Ireland X-League is the National team of Ireland and they are the current holders of the X-League World Cup.

Cached and managed by Des Foy, they call upon both native and heritage players to make up their ranks. Training sessions take place in the Irish Strongholds of Killarney and Warrington and are held at different points throughout the year.

World Cup Winners! – Back row Right to Left: A. Hickman, TJ Linnane, P. Flannery(c), R. Clancy, B. Hughes, P. O’Connor, M. Eastup, M. Dellamere, D. Foy, P. Holmes, J. Mather.
Front row Right to Left: J. Farrell, A. Green, T. Graham, C. McQuillan, W. O’Sullivan.

Details for upcoming Ireland X-League events and training can be found on their Facebook Page:


Players to have represented Ireland X-League are as follows: