’tis the Season! Get your retro jersey out of the back of the closet and run off the turkey and pudding in Killarney on Stephens Day! (26/12/2018), KTRA host the sixth Annual Christmas Classic in Fossa.
The event has been gaining momentum year on year just as the Thursday night EuroTag session has been rolling on. “We started this as a summer idea but it has just snowballed into an all year round game” said Kerry Touch Rugby Association organiser Des Foy. “The numbers in winter are on average slightly higher than in the summer months, its a pleasant surprise, and the Stephens day game has always had a carnival atmosphere, we are looking forward to another one this year.”
For more information contact – facebook.com/KerryTouch
For EuroTag rules and specifics – eurotagrugbyleague.com/rules/