Christmas ETRL in Killarney

’tis the Season! Get your retro jersey out of the back of the closet and run off the turkey and pudding in Killarney on Stephens Day! (26/12/2018), KTRA host the sixth Annual Christmas Classic in Fossa. The event has been gaining momentum year on year just as the Thursday night EuroTag session has been rolling […]

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Super League Legends, The greatest show yet unearthed?

The powers that be have been seeking ideas to spread the game. Here is just a thought from the EuroTag point of view. Much like every fan of soccer loves to see the legends return at a lower level or in a charity match (see Dennis Bergkamp above), and mixed doubles at most pro Tennis […]

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The Denver Test

Rugby League will once again try to bring top level Rugby League to the USA with the Denver Test, with the BBC already committed to comprehensive coverage, can the fixture become a success?

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The Case for EuroTag Rugby League in Schools

Rugby League Ireland have developed a semi-contact version of the game. Here EuroTag founder Des Foy outlines to members of the RSM(Royal Society of Medicine) how the concept could be used as both a risk reducing supplement and a skill enhancing player development game in schools which play full contact Rugby.

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